October 28, 2010

Use Flash whenever you can! 多多使用你的闪光灯!

A lot of photographers dislike using their external flash gun especially during the daylight photography session. Most of them are being blindly and deeply influence by the  "natural light" philosophy. 

Some told me that the flash lite photos are "hard" & "artificial" and often producing DC like quality images. Well, my most polite answer to these kind of statement is : " If you know how to effective utilize the features of your expensive flash gun, most of the time your viewer don't even notice and realize that the photo are being lite up by "Artificial Light Source"

The key word is - Do you spend enough time and effort to learn and practice using the flash?


许多摄友都不喜欢在白天使用的闪光。 他们强烈被“自然光”的理论所影响....这是一个令人伤心的现象。


重点: 大家是否有用心的去学习的好好地利用那手上的小太阳? 


[Exif: 1/250, f2.8, ISO 400, AWB, 闪灯:E-TTL, Canon 1D MK IV + EF 70-200 F2.8L IS II @ 75mm, 麻豆:羽真, 台北 2010]

The image above is one of my shot using a simple/ idiot-proof E-TTL flash setting during a daylight photography session in Taipei. The main reason of using my flash is attempt to balance the huge contrast between the bright background and the model. The secondary reason is try to produce a better skin tone with the consistence kelvin color produce by my trusted Canon Speedlite 580 EX II

上述照片是用佳能580 II外闪以E - TTL自动模式设置。就个人而言,我没有看到任何“硬”光源的效果.....甚至看不出麻豆是被外闪光压过...背景也同时取得良好的曝光. 麻豆的肤色也应外闪光压过而呈现出那美丽的"白中带红"效果...! 以后有机会再详细谈谈如何简单地使用外闪...


  1. if u not wrote there big big the photo above got flash, i thought shot without flash.

  2. Haha...that's what I try my best to encourage photographer to use flash...Haha

  3. Hi, where is your flash position? left or front? right site like nature light...

  4. Toy-san,

    The Flash position is at front (Slightly to the left...)
    The right side is natural light for this photo.
