January 22, 2011

Exploring the effect of 'Over-Exposure" (探索“过度曝光”的效果 )

Rhea Lim_ - 6
A photograph may be described as overexposed when it has a loss of highlight detail, that is, when the bright parts of an image are effectively all white, known as "blown out highlights" or "clipped whites".

One of the first thing that many photographers learned from their photography gurus is to control the exposure and avoid "clipped" images. In-camera settings with the "Aperture priority -AV" or the "Shutter priority-TV" exposure mode (ref to Canon system) is to ensure that the right amount of light hit the camera's sensor to achieve the "right" exposure.



However, the end result of letting the in-camera setting takes control of the exposure often leads to some very flat and "normal" images and that is not what I am (personally) looking for in my portraiture works...

The nice thing about all the rules of photography is they can often be broken with great results.  Some would even claim there are no actual rules of photography, just results. I am totally agreeable to this statement as I often broke the rule of photography..I just don't care much, actually!

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有些人甚至宣称没有实际的摄影规则/公式,最为重要的是图像的结果。我个人完全同意这个说法,因为我也经常打破这些所谓的摄影公式…..其实, 笔者只是不太喜欢遵循着这些摄影公式吧了!

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This is my first time working with Rhea Lim for an actual outdoor photography session and I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for the hard work and modeling under the hot sun. She is no doubt, a very professional model. I am glad to know (via facebook) that she loves this series, that's is in fact a relief for me by overexposing all her photos in the first place!

这是我第一次与Rhea合作这次的户外摄影活动,我想借此机会感谢在烈日下辛勤工作的Rhea. 她无疑是一位非常专业的模特….我也很高兴透过Facebook得知Rhea她个人也很满意/喜欢笔者这个"曝光过度"的系列,这其实这对我来说真是放下心头中的大石 (因Rhea的整个系列都是以过度曝光完成的!)

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Normally I will slightly overexpose the images for 2 main reasons: -

1. To "blown" out the busy background to get a simple composition.
2. To "brighten" the skin tone - a whitening process that I often use to get a fairer & smoother skin tone. (That save a lot of my post-processing work in softening the skin)

I am almost certain that none of the female model prefer the yellowish/ warm skin tone with the normal/ underexpose images. (except for the European model where often need to add a layer of warm filter effect to rectify the skin tone)

通常我会把图像稍微曝光过度的2个主要原因为: -

2。要“曝亮”模特的肤色以得到美白的效果! 我经常用“曝亮肤色”这一招取得一个更平顺和更平滑的皮肤色调! (这招使我的后处"软化皮肤"的后制工作上变的轻松很多!!!)

我个人几乎可以肯定,多数女模特都不太喜欢"带黄色调调"的肤色…(除西方白种女模特除外, 往往需要添加一个温色调的过滤效果,以纠正其肤色层.)

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Do you know that most Asian girls prefer the effect of overexposure so that they look more charming & fairer when they took their own portrait with their phone camera?


More photos HERE! (10P)

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